"Fear thou not; for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yea, I will help you, yea, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Is 41:10
I read the verse and I am reminded of God's love. HE loves each and every one of us and no matter the storm, He will see us through it...we must not be affraid.
Things here are like a roller coaster. Somedays I'm doing really well and then other days where I can barely walk. But in all of this, I really do think the medication is working, which is great news. I'm beginning to wean off the steroids, and the new medication (Lyrica) should be kicking in here soon. I'm sure it will be just a matter of time before I'm feeling really well! :)
It's also hi/lo Thursday! YIPEE! :)
The Hi of the week:
Well, I just found out yesterday that I got into ALL of my Dietetics Classes! YAY! There are 3 classes I will be taking this summer in 2 6-week sessions! It's going to be a whirlwind, but I am SO excited! After these 3 classes, I will have a semester off and then in January I will begin the process of applying for my Dietetic Internship! I'm SO excited and feel very blessed!
The Lo of the week:
Kirsten (my sister-in-law) had brain surgery yesterday. She did very well, but we were nervous during the surgery. Also, my health has been a continued roller coaster and that can be frustrating at times. Both Lo's are quite serious, but the LORD has been answering prayer and for that we are thankful!
Trying real hard to not be affraid,
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