My story starts here:
"So, I recall the evening of the 14th of November, 2006 very well. It is one day and night that will be in my mind for an eternity. My friend, Tommy (who is the Catholic Campus Director here in Greeley CO) had put in a request to have Mass said for Liz on the 14th (keep in mind, he put the "14th" down for Liz long before we knew that would be the day that Jesus would call her up). Keep in mind that in Colorado, we are an hour behind you guys (so, when I write this...I will be talking about Colrado time zone...and this "wink" is very time specific). Anyway-Mass was being said for Liz at 5PM (6 your time). I had written in to the caring bridge site at precisley 4:56 (my time...5:56 your time) stating that a Mass was being said for Liz as I typed the message. Right after that, I knelt down to say a Rosary for Liz. During the Rosary, I had an overwhelming sense come into my body, and thought one of two things; either the Rosary was answering my prayers or the worst had happened. Well, after I got done with the Rosary I had to head into town for a Church event. I checked the website one last time hoping to see an update. I will never forget, for at that point (5:24 my time, 6:24 your time), I saw that Liz had gone to be with Jesus in Heaven. I am not sure of the exact timing of Liz's passing from earth, but Li'z brother-in-law posted the news was the same time that Mass was being said for Liz. I just sat on my bed, the room spinning wondering how this could have happened (and at the same time, seeing the miracle in that as the same time Liz's brother-in-law posted about Liz, I was saying a Rosary for her, and a Mass was being said for her that had been requested almost a week prior). The whole thought gave me chills.
Well, I couldn't sit anymore and I had to be off to the Church for a weekly event, though I thought what a perfect place to be at this time. Anyway-here is the actual"wink" I got from Liz. About 5 mins after reading about Liz's passing (which was about 1/2 hour after her brother-in-law posted it on the site), I got into my car to drive into town. I turned the radio to K-Love (a Christian radio station). I don't listen to it often, but I didn't want to listen to anything else at that moment. When i turned to the station, I noticed there was nothing on. I thought "great, just when I need the radio station the most, it isn't working." Just then, a song came on. It is called "Wish You Were Here" by Mark Harris. This was truly Liz's wink to me. I don't know at that point, how long she'd been in heaven (remember, this was about half an hour after the post to the caring bridge site), but I will never forget that drive to Greeley as long as I live. The song was truly Liz "winking" to me. It was just a little too much of a miracle to hear those words to that song only 20 mins after hearing of Liz's passing. I knew Liz only a little bit (knew her through others at UND...I was a couple years older than she was), but she obviously remembered me, because that song was not being sung by Mark Harris that night, but rather by Liz, as she was sitting in the passenger seat in my Explorer."
Here is a video of the song:
Liz, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and pray for your family. Thank you for ALL of the Liz Winks you send my way...they truly keep me going. We always look forward to the next Wink you and God have prepared for us and we wait with joyful hope until we see you again and meet Jesus face-to-face! We love you Liz!
"So, I recall the evening of the 14th of November, 2006 very well. It is one day and night that will be in my mind for an eternity. My friend, Tommy (who is the Catholic Campus Director here in Greeley CO) had put in a request to have Mass said for Liz on the 14th (keep in mind, he put the "14th" down for Liz long before we knew that would be the day that Jesus would call her up). Keep in mind that in Colorado, we are an hour behind you guys (so, when I write this...I will be talking about Colrado time zone...and this "wink" is very time specific). Anyway-Mass was being said for Liz at 5PM (6 your time). I had written in to the caring bridge site at precisley 4:56 (my time...5:56 your time) stating that a Mass was being said for Liz as I typed the message. Right after that, I knelt down to say a Rosary for Liz. During the Rosary, I had an overwhelming sense come into my body, and thought one of two things; either the Rosary was answering my prayers or the worst had happened. Well, after I got done with the Rosary I had to head into town for a Church event. I checked the website one last time hoping to see an update. I will never forget, for at that point (5:24 my time, 6:24 your time), I saw that Liz had gone to be with Jesus in Heaven. I am not sure of the exact timing of Liz's passing from earth, but Li'z brother-in-law posted the news was the same time that Mass was being said for Liz. I just sat on my bed, the room spinning wondering how this could have happened (and at the same time, seeing the miracle in that as the same time Liz's brother-in-law posted about Liz, I was saying a Rosary for her, and a Mass was being said for her that had been requested almost a week prior). The whole thought gave me chills.
Well, I couldn't sit anymore and I had to be off to the Church for a weekly event, though I thought what a perfect place to be at this time. Anyway-here is the actual"wink" I got from Liz. About 5 mins after reading about Liz's passing (which was about 1/2 hour after her brother-in-law posted it on the site), I got into my car to drive into town. I turned the radio to K-Love (a Christian radio station). I don't listen to it often, but I didn't want to listen to anything else at that moment. When i turned to the station, I noticed there was nothing on. I thought "great, just when I need the radio station the most, it isn't working." Just then, a song came on. It is called "Wish You Were Here" by Mark Harris. This was truly Liz's wink to me. I don't know at that point, how long she'd been in heaven (remember, this was about half an hour after the post to the caring bridge site), but I will never forget that drive to Greeley as long as I live. The song was truly Liz "winking" to me. It was just a little too much of a miracle to hear those words to that song only 20 mins after hearing of Liz's passing. I knew Liz only a little bit (knew her through others at UND...I was a couple years older than she was), but she obviously remembered me, because that song was not being sung by Mark Harris that night, but rather by Liz, as she was sitting in the passenger seat in my Explorer."
Here is a video of the song:
And, if you want to hear the's a youtube's just beautiful:
Here is a picture of Liz. Her wedding pic...taken just 3 months before she passed away.

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