Aaron's also really good about giving me a quick call each morning to make sure I made it to work OK (it's a 20 mile commute every morning), followed by a "well, don't work to hard today my beautiful wife"! Yep...I have a wonderful life!
I am the Nutrition/Dietician savvy person in our relationship, but many times, Aaron will step in and help me cook. He also does the laundry (more times than not), and is so wonderful about cleaning house with me (or for me...haha). Yep...I have a wonderful life!

A person recently asked us if we fight a lot. The answer...NO. Sure, we have disagreements...don't get me wrong, but we have NEVER fought and we never have gone to bed angry. If something is bothering one of us, we make sure to talk about it before our eyes close that night. I don't think this person really believed Aaron when he told them that we really do not fight, but we don't. I give a lot of credit to the Marriage Prep Classes we were "forced" to take before we could get married. At first Aaron and I thought this was such a joke (come on, we are 27 and 34 afterall). But after the classes, we realize that they played a very large role in our attitude towards eachother! Yes, we have bad days and disagreements, but we have not fought once in the 2 years 9 months and 4 days we've been together!! Even in the recent hardships (the nerves in my mouth being inflammed to the point of possibly needing surgery, and finding out that Aaron will more than likely need back surgery), to all the ER trips we make b/c of my Sjogren's...yes, we have been through a lot together. Maybe that makes us stronger..I don't know. But I can tell you this...other than always putting each other first...GOD is our Merciful Savior and gives us Graces to help us stayed married and in love! Oh, and we remember to laugh (Aaron's good at reminding me to do that). :) Yep...I have a wonderful life!
We have a beautiful angel (Liz) who watches over us, too. I think she guides me and Aaron along our married life. She helps God watch over us and she does a wonderful job. Yep...I have a wonderful life!
We continue to pray very hard that Aaron will get good news about his back on Weds (Nov 26th). He meets with the back specialist this day and we pray that the doc will say that this can be fixed with PT rather than surgery. Until then, we remind ourselves that Life is Wonderful and we serve an even more wonderful God who will not forsake us!
Take care my dear loved ones! Remember to hug, kiss, and just LOVE your spouses or significant others! Remember...disagreements are OK (and expected), but fighting solves nothing. Never go to bed angry. And always, always, always...Trust in the LORD...for HE is what makes life WONDERFUL!
Thankful for my Wonderful Life,