Well, now that I finally have a moment to update my life, I sit and wonder where do I begin.
I went to ND the 6th-14th of October and that was a great time! That stay was great as always. I drove there, which was really nice because I had my own vehicle during my stay, which allowed me to go and visit several people. One very special thing I got to do during my stay was vist Grand Forks. That was the first I had been there since graduation (2005). All I can say is WOW...that place has grown! During my day in Grand Forks, I went to visit my friend, Liz, grave site. My blog spot is named after Liz (well, it's really named after her "Liz Winks", but you get my drift). After I got done at the cemetary, I got to meet Liz's mom for supper. This was SO special. We laughed, cried, etc etc. Let me tell you....Peg (Liz's mom) is one special lady. I see so clearly where Liz got her strength and personality from.
The rest of my stay in ND was spent with family. I had a GREAT time with the family. I didn't have time to see all my friends, which made me sad, but I know that we are coming back for Christmas...so that will be our chance to visit a few more friends during that time...hopefully.
Now, onto some VERY big news....I got a PROMOTION at work!!!! It is VERY exciting and VERY unexpected. It's a GREAT new challenge, and I'm up for it!!
I ended up getting sick this weekend, so I have been laying low all weekend so I can be ready for work tomorrow!!!!
Well, it's time to sign off. Take care all and have a great week!!!
Stewarding Our Pain
Recently I read an essay by Frederick Buechner entitled, "Adolescence and
the Stewardship of Pain." (If you have never read anything by him I would
highly ...
11 years ago
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