Friday, July 3, 2009

Tournaments, Anniversaries, and School...Oh My!

I just realized that it has been about 2 months since I've written on here. Seems like a lot has happened (good things, ofcourse) and I find that I didn't have time to write on here!

I went back to work for 32 hours/week on May 13th. Work...well, it is what it is with that and I'm so glad that I'll be done in less than a year (when I start my Dietetic Internship). I'm still looking for another job, and I pray that I can find one here eventually. The stress from work does not help my health.

I am however enjoying my 32hour work weeks! Gives me extra time to study since these 6-week long classes are tough! And that's an understatement. I actually started and finished 2 classes since I last wrote! I took a Nutrition Assessment class and a Nutrition Counseling class. I enjoyed both classes and was thrilled with my grades! The classes went from May 18-June 29th. Now I am in Advanced Nutrition and Clinical/Nutrition Assessment (until August 5th) at which point I will be DONE! All that remains is my internship which starts next summer and then I will be a Registered Dietitian! :)

Our cancer tennis tournament (June 1st-7th) went great! Juggling that, work, and scool made life a complete whirlwind for about a week, but it was worth it. The cancer tennis tournament celebrated it's 30th Anniversary this year and Aaron and I took over as Directors this year. It was a lot of work and we ended up with about 160 entries and raised around $17,000...well worth it!

Aaron and I also celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary on June 14th. With both of us in school right now, and work being so stressful, we decided to stay near home. We went to the zoo, toured Coors Brewery and caught a Rockies game! It was a fun filled Anniversary and I can't believe it's been a year already!
Me and Aaron in front of the flamingos!

The gorillas

Da Bears! ;)
Coor's Brewery!
Rockies game!

My health has not been all that bad considering all the events going on in life right now! God carries me through whatever is going on and for that we give Him praise! None of this would be possible without Him!

Aaron and I are getting ready for the 5k Race Against Cancer tomorrow. I enter all the registration forms and then on race day, we work at the finish line timing and scoring the event. Typicall there are about 1700 runners, so I've been terribly busy once again...but all the tennis tournaments and 5k races will be done after July 4th and I can focus 100% on school and work!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Much love to you all!

Closing with scripture:
"Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience." James 1:3
