It has been quite a while since I have updated. Honestly...not much to update on and I've just been in a "funk" lately. Many of you know from my earlier posts that I had applied for a job (a job I so desperately wanted) and while the person who interviewed me told me that I was "stellar, the best person they interviewed, and I was the top candidate" (and I literally quote that from her), they said I was completely over qualified and were worried I would quit in 6 weeks. Little do they know that I am not a quitter. But none-the-less, I did not get that job. Needless to say, I was/am completely heartbroken. I wanted to get out of my current job SO badly and was looking forward to this brand new opportunity. So, there's that, and a few other "life things" that have just had me in a funk.
HOWEVER...I wanted to share a precious Liz Wink that Aaron (yes, Aaron) received today. His first ever Liz Wink I might add! :)
We went to Mass this morning (as we do every Sunday). After that we went to lunch at a local drive-in called JB's. Well, after we got done eating, we walked out the door and Aaron stopped me dead in my tracks and told me to come look at something. I wasn't too enthused at first, but I thought...what's he up to anyway. He said that this morning he prayed for good things for me and asked for a sign that this would happen, and then he told me to look at the window where we were (now) standing. I looked straight ahead and right in front of my face was this poster (below).

Aaron said he asked for a sign that things would turn around for me and this was what he saw as we were walking out of the restaurant!! Ofcourse, we know who sent us this little "make your day better" sign...GOD AND LIZ!!! Honestly, it was RIGHT there as we were walking into the restaurant and neither of us saw it, and I didn't see it on the way out...but low-and-behold...Aaron saw it (as he walked behind me). It had to have been that God and Liz did not want me to see that poster so that Liz could (by the Grace of God) show Aaron that she is watching out for us and God is hearing our every prayer about our life situations going on right now and will answer it in HIS time. But rest assured, we are not being ignored by Heaven! :)
She has ALWAYS been the angel in heaven these last 2 years that shows me time and again that she and God have a plan!! Sure, I wish that plan was revealed to me a little sooner, but it's winks like this that boost my faith and keep me going in the darkest of times and saddest of days.
Hope you enjoy this ever unique Liz Wink as Aaron and I just smiled when it was revealed. May you all see the blessings God gives you in the darkest days you experience. Take care and God Bless!