So, I just realized it has been about 2 weeks since I wrote in here...YIKES! Where does time go? Its so hard to believe that it has been almost 4 months since Aaron and I got has FLOWN by! In a good way ofcourse, but still.
So much has happened in the last 2 weeks, but nothing I really had the motivation to update about. So, last December we found out our company was being bought out. A scary time for everyone involved ofcourse with job security and all. However, our dept thought we were pretty safe. I mean a company cannot survive without contracts/leases and all that legal stuff, right?! Wrong, I guess. I just found out yesterday that my position is being officially eliminated. They don't have a finalized date, but our positions are being phased-out. I'm the contracts/lease mgr (for those of you who wonder what I "actually" do at work..LOL). Our company was VERY conservative before we were bought out. Always followed the rules, having lawyers on hand, etc. This new company that bought us out though is quite liberal (and very unorganized...not healthy for my Type-A Personality...LOL!)! So, they do not really believe in contracts/leases the way our "old company" did. So, we are being let go. BUMMER, I know...but this will now give me time to get ready for grad school and maybe even get back into the swing of Nutrition! :) I might still have a job here at my current place of employment, but obviously it will be in a totally different dept not related to contracts/leases or legal stuff. So, we'll see what God has planned!
Now that I got that off my chest...I can talk about married life! :) Aaron and I are doing GREAT! For the most part I am feeling pretty good (FINALLY). Being sick and on high doses of prednisone for 80 days straight can be a little taxing at times! I hadn't been that sick (with my Sjogren's anyway) in a very long time!! Hopefully it will be a long time before I experience another flare-up that bad again! But Aaron, bless his heart, has been a trooper all the way! I swear this man is not an earthling! ;) He draws my baths for me and will light the candles and turn on the jets. I'm horrible at getting my bath to be the "perfect" temp, but Aaron is a pro at it, so he will draw my bath (and 9 times out of 10 I don't even have to ask or hint...he just is more than willing to start my bath for me). What a man!
School is going great! I really love this "online" stuff! Not having to sit in a classroom and listen to boring lectures, etc. Rather sitting in the comfort of my own home and watching lectures on DVD, pausing when I need to and rewinding if there was something the instructor said that I didn't catch...yeah,it's really nice. Biochem is quite dificult, but I'm getting through it. I've got just a little over a month left on that class. It's so interesting, but very challening! Biology and Anthropology though are my "slack" classes. They are my 100 level classes that I didn't need in college, but I need them for grad school (go figure), so I'll take them just to get them out of the way! :)
The leaves are even more beautiful this week than they were last week! CO is just beautiful in the fall and I sure hope we can take a drive in the mountains this weekend!
Other than that, not much to update on. I have posted some more wedding pics for your enjoyment below! Take care and I promise to not slack as much on upates! :)
Aaron and his best man in limo
Getting ready to head off to the church!

Starting the ceremony
Me and my grandma
Chatting with my family!
My family (Grandma and cousins)

My other crazy fun boss, Jack!
My crazy fun supersvisors (the blonde gal is Jamie and the guy in the white is Andre')
Bridesmaid Janie, me and one of my boss's, Andre'
me and Aaron dancing!

More pics to come on the next post!!! :)